Day 1 - Waking up at Disney

So, after getting freshened up, we were pumped for the day. We were almost at WDW!!!

Rachel and I straightened our hair in the car (we have a power source for our entertainment center.... I think you're supposed to plug gaming systems into it, but we prefer to use it to charge cell phones and heat flat irons).

We got to Animal Kingdom at 8:30. We got our tickets and the CM asked my dad if we were celebrating anything, and he told her that we were celebrating our birthdays (mine and Rachel's) early (this isn't a lie, either.... this took the place of my birthday trip), so she gave us each birthday buttons. And, so, we put them on.

Upon entering the park, we were both wished happy birthday. We got a lot of birthday wishes throughout the week. It was really cool, and I loved it.


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